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Privacy Policy

Thank you for visiting our website and for your interest in our company. Protecting your personal data is very important to us, and we want you to feel secure during your visits to our web pages.

This Policy outlines which information we collect when you visit our website and how this data is used.

Our Contact Information

MAVIS Imaging GmbH

Mehlbeerenstr. 2
82024 Taufkirchen

Phone: +49.(0).89.710667-0
Email: info@mavis-imaging.com

Data Protection Officer

Our data protection officer is also reachable through the contact information provided above.

1. Processing of Personal Data During Website Use

To ensure proper functioning of our website, when you visit the site we process personal data that is transmitted to us by your browser.

This information is your IP address, the date and time of the request, the difference between your time zone and Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), the content of the request (specific page visited), the access status/HTTP status code, the volume of data transferred in each case, the website that is the source of the request, your browser, operating system and its interface as well as the language and version of the browser software.

2. Use of Cookies

We use what are known as “cookies” to make our website more user friendly. Cookies are small text files that are saved on your hard drive by your browser. They enable certain information to be provided to the entity (in this case, us) sending the cookie.

Cookies are used to make our website easier to use and to make possible the functions that you use. If we also use cookies for other purposes, we explain in this Privacy Policy what we use them for.

In your browser, you can change various settings relating to cookies as well as prohibit cookies from being accepted and delete already accepted cookies. However, please note that without cookies, you may not be able to use all of the services on our website.

Insofar as cookies are used by third parties on this site, additional information is provided through the services implemented here.

3. User Registration (“My Account”)

You can register on our website and set up a user account. Some of the services we offer may only be available to registered users. We collect the data you provide for this reason to complete the registration process. The scope of the data, which is collected from the input fields, depends on the information you provide.

4. Participation in Webinars

Participation in a webinar requires filling out a registration form. By filling out the registration form for the respective webinar, you expressly agree to these terms of use.

We use GoToWebinar, a service provided by
LogMeIn Ireland Limited, Bloodstone Building Block C,
70 Sir John Rogerson’s Quay,
Dublin 2, Ireland

The registration form is part of the GoToWebinar application. When you register, you are asked to provide your email address and other personal data. Your email address and personal data are used by webinar organizer LogMeIn to communicate with you regarding the webinar. LogMeln will use this data exclusively for participation in webinars and will not share it with third parties or use it for other purposes.

If you would like to see the webinar organizer’s privacy policy, please contact the organizer directly (https://www.logmeininc.com/de/legal/privacy). Framos GmbH and LogMeIn have signed a contract data processing agreement. The user hereby consents to contract data processing by LogMeIn. The terms of use of LogMeIn GoToWebinar apply additionally to the use of webinars.

After registering for a webinar, we will use your email to send you our newsletter. We use your e-mail address in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR. If you wish to not or no longer receive the newsletter, you can unsubscribe from our newsletter at any time.

5. Contact Form

If you submit questions using our contact forms on the website, we process the data you enter in the contact form in order to answer these questions.

6. Registration for Newsletter and Newsletter Tracking

You can sign up for our newsletter on our website to receive information about our products, services, and events. We use the data you provide to send you our newsletter based on the consent you have given us.

In order to protect your identity, registration involves a double opt-in procedure. After entering your data in our website, you will receive a confirmation email. Registration will not be complete until you click the link in the confirmation email.

Our newsletter is distributed via the vendor's platform:

ActiveCampaign, LLC
150 N. Michigan Ave., Suite 1230
Chicago, IL, USA

The email addresses of our newsletter recipients and their other data as described in this Policy are stored on ActiveCampaign’s servers in the United States. ActiveCampaign uses this information to send and analyze the newsletter on our behalf. In addition, according to information from ActiveCampaign, the company can use this data to optimize or improve its own services, e.g., for technical improvement of shipping processes and newsletter display, or for business purposes to determine the countries of origin of the recipients. However, ActiveCampaign does not use our newsletter recipients’ data to contact them itself and does not share the data with third parties. ActiveCampaign is certified under the US-EU Privacy Shield Framework and therefore agrees to comply with EU data protection regulations. Furthermore, we have signed a data processing agreement with ActiveCampaign. This is a contract in which ActiveCampaign agrees to protect our users’ data, to process this data on our behalf in accordance with its data protection provisions and, in particular, to not share this data with third parties. ActiveCampaign's privacy policy is available here:  https://www.activecampaign.com/privacy-policy/

For purposes of the analysis described above, the newsletter contains a “web beacon,” i.e., a pixel-sized file that is retrieved by ActiveCampaign’s server when the newsletter is opened. When this file is retrieved, technical information is collected such as information on your browser and your system as well as your IP address and the time of retrieval. This information is used for technical improvement of the service based on technical data or target groups and their reading habits using their access location (which can be determined with the help of IP addresses) or access time.

The statistics collected include a determination as to whether the newsletter is opened, when it was opened, and which links were clicked. For technical reasons, this information can be matched up with individual newsletter recipients. However, it is neither our intention, nor that of ActiveCampaign, to monitor individual users. The analyses instead enable us to identify the reading habits of our users and adapt our content to their tastes, or to send different content depending on the interests of our users.

You can unsubscribe from our newsletter at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link provided in every newsletter. To exercise your right to object, you can also use the contact information above.

7. Unbounce

For certain promotions and advertising campaigns (known as “landing pages”) we use the services of

unbounce Marketing Solutions Inc.
400-401 West Georgia Street
Vancouver, BC, Canada

These pages are hosted by unbounce, and the user’s browser therefore communicates directly with unbounce. This means that the user’s IP address is transmitted and cookies can be sent and accepted. All user data entered on these pages is additionally stored at unbounce. We subsequently receive an analysis of unbounce’s activities. Information about data protection at unbounce is available here:



8. Google Analytics

We use Google Analytics by Google (Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland).

Google Analytics works with text files that are saved on your device (known as “cookies”) to obtain information about your website use. Google uses this information on our behalf to provide us with analyses of website use, reports about activities on the website, and other services. The data collected about your website use using cookies is normally transferred to a Google server in the United States for purposes of analysis and is stored there. This data is not comingled with the other data relating to you possibly stored at Google.

We also use anonymizeIP, an anonymization feature. Prior to transferring your IP address to the Google server in the United States, it is shortened in the EU. Full length IP addresses are only transmitted in rare cases. If so, they are shortened on servers in the United States. You can prevent this type of data processing by taking the following steps:

It is possible to change settings in your browser to prevent any cookies from being saved. However, this can result that our website will not be fully functional for you. Furthermore, there is an option to use a browser add-on by Google to prevent data collection. The add-on is available here: https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout?hl=en.

With the browser add-on, you can prevent data collection by Google Analytics by clicking it, for instance if you use a smartphone or tablet. This saves a cookie that prevents data collection. If you visit our website again on another device or browser, or if you have deleted your cookies, you will be required to accept the cookie again.

Additional information on Google's privacy policy is available here: https://www.google.de/intl/de/policies/privacy/

9. Google AdWords Remarketing

We use Google's AdWords remarketing function (Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland).

Google Remarketing enables us to only show you products that really interest you when you visit websites that belong to the Google Display Network (GND). To this end, cookies are stored by your browser so that you are recognized when you visit GND websites. An analysis of your website use is used to display ads for products that you have already viewed or that might be of interest to you.

In order to prevent cookies from being stored for purposes of remarketing, you can change your personalized advertising settings at http://www.google.com/settings/ads. Alternatively, you can take the steps listed in the instructions on the NAI – Network Advertising Initiative website (http://www.networkadvertising.org/managing/opt_out.asp).

10. Google AdWords Conversion Tracking

We use Google's AdWords conversion tracking function (Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland).

Google conversion tracking enables us to track what happens when a user clicks on our ad. This is done to identify whether a user has purchased our product or subscribed to our newsletter. By clicking on our Google ad, a cookie is saved on your device to enable this function. No personal data is exchanged for this purpose.

You can change the appropriate settings in your browser in order to prevent cookies from being stored for conversion tracking. Additional information on conversion tracking is available here: https://support.google.com/adwords/answer/1722022?hl=de

11. Google Maps

On our website, we use Google Maps (a service of Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland) for purposes of visually depicting our sites in the Google Maps plug-in. When using Google Maps, data that is necessary for its use and other data is shared.

For additional information, see the terms of service for Google Maps (https://www.google.com/intl/en_us/help/terms_maps.html).

12. Hotjar

We use the Hotjar web analytics service by

Hotjar Ltd, Level 2
St Julians Business Centre, 3, Elia Zammit Street
St Julians STJ 1000, Malta

This tool is used to track movement on the websites on which Hotjar is implemented; the result is called a heat map. For instance, this makes it possible to identify how far users scroll and which buttons users click and how often. The tool also allows us to obtain feedback directly from users of the website. This enables us to obtain valuable information to make our websites even faster and more customer friendly.

When using this tool, we pay particular attention to protecting your personal data. We are only able to track which buttons are clicked, the path of the user’s mouse, the distance scrolled, the device’s screen size, the device type and browser information, geographical location (country only), and the preferred language for displaying our website. Sections of websites in which your personal data or that of third parties is displayed are automatically blocked by Hotjar and are therefore not trackable at any time.

Hotjar offers every user the opportunity to implement a “Do Not Track” header to prevent use of the Hotjar tool. This means that no data regarding your visit to the respective website is collected. This is done through a setting supported by all current versions of standard browsers. Your browser sends a request to Hotjar to deactivate tracking of the relevant user. If you are using our website with multiple browsers/computers, you must separately set up the “Do Not Track” header for each of these browsers/computers separately. A detailed set of instructions with information on your browser is available at


Hotjar Ltd.'s privacy policy is available here:


13. Youtube Video Plugins

Content by third-party providers is integrated into this website. This content is provided by Google Ireland Limited (“provider”). YouTube is operated by Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland (“Google”). Advanced privacy settings are activated for YouTube videos integrated into our site. This means that YouTube does not collect or save any information about website visitors unless they play a video. In view of the interests of all parties, the integration of videos safeguards our legitimate prevailing interest in accordance with Art. 6 (1) sentence 1 f) of the GDPR to optimally market our products and services. The purpose and scope of data collection and subsequent processing and use of the data by the provider and your associated rights and the settings available to you to protect your personal privacy are explained in Google's privacy policy: http://www.google.com/intl/de/+/policy/+1button.html.

14. Zapier

We use Zapier to synchronize and connect different systems and databases. This may involve the transfer of your personal data referred to in this Privacy Policy to Zapier Inc. 548 Market St. #62411, San Francisco, CA 94104-5401, USA.

Further information on data protection at Zapier can be found at: https://zapier.com/privacy/

15. Whitepapers

If you are interested in our whitepapers, you can request them from us by entering your e-mail address. After you have requested the whitepaper, we will send it to your e-mail address. Our whitepapers are sent via the provider's platform

ActiveCampaign, LLC
150 N. Michigan Ave Suite 1230
Chicago, IL, USA

We use your e-mail address in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR to contact you. If you do not wish to be contacted, you can object to this at any time. Please use the above contact data to exercise your right of objection.

After requesting a whitepaper, we will use your email to send you our newsletter. We use your e-mail address in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR. If you wish to not or no longer receive the newsletter, you can unsubscribe from our newsletter at any time.

16. Your Rights

It is your right to request that we inform you about the use of your personal data, correct or delete your personal data, or limits its use according to the statutory regulations. We will also make your data available to you in a structured, accessible, and machine-readable format. If we use your data based on consent you have given (such as when registering for our newsletter), you can revoke your consent at any time. From that point forward, we will no longer use your data for this purpose. If we are pursuing a legitimate interest in processing your data, you can contact us to object. Regardless of this, you can always contact the responsible regulatory authorities.

17. Data Sharing

We share information with third parties only within the scope described in this Privacy Policy. For purposes of more effective administration, data is used within the Group or by contractors.

18. Data Deletion

Your data is deleted once it is no longer required for the reasons stated. Please note that any time data is deleted, the data is initially locked and then irrevocably deleted only after a delay in order to prevent inadvertent deletion or possibly intentional damage. For technical reasons, data may be duplicated in back-up files or mirrored services. Such copies, if any, are also only deleted after a technical delay.


Version: May 2019

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