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MaVis Imaging Team | +39 039 888 0585 | sales@mavis-imaging.com
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At the core of every vision system is a fantastic camera.  We have a variety of cameras and solutions to get the right image for your application. Our camera offering includes: Area scan cameras, Line scan cameras, Smart cameras, Camera modules and 3D Cameras.

MaVis Imaging supplies quality brands with a wide variety of features to ensure you will find the right camera for your application, and within your budget.
Whether it is board level, off the shelf or you need a custom-built camera, we’ve got you covered. Our imaging experts can answer your questions or review your requirements and help you make the best decision for you vision system.

At the core of every vision system is a fantastic camera.  We have a variety of cameras and solutions to get the right image for your application . Our camera offering... read more »
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At the core of every vision system is a fantastic camera.  We have a variety of cameras and solutions to get the right image for your application. Our camera offering includes: Area scan cameras, Line scan cameras, Smart cameras, Camera modules and 3D Cameras.

MaVis Imaging supplies quality brands with a wide variety of features to ensure you will find the right camera for your application, and within your budget.
Whether it is board level, off the shelf or you need a custom-built camera, we’ve got you covered. Our imaging experts can answer your questions or review your requirements and help you make the best decision for you vision system.

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